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Webster, NY Sample Bid Opportunity #712992

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 712992 in Webster,  NY
Please note this bid is EXPIRED and is SAMPLE content of what we offer to our paid subscribers

(RFP) Village of Webster c/o Webster Economic Development Alliance 28 West Main Street - Webster, NY

All brownfields related work, Civil Engineering - all services, Consulting/Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Consulting

(C1002090) Webster: North End Business District Brownfield Opportunity Area Nomination Study. The Village of Webster in partnership with the Webster Economic Development Alliance and Town of Webster intends to engage the services of a consultant to develop a BOA Nomination for a 387-acre portion of the village's industrial zone. Dubbed the North End Business District (NEBD), the Study Area contains legacy sites and perceived environmental challenges that have discouraged redevelopment. The objective is to build public consensus on future development patterns, improve access and safety of the area's transportation network, and differentiate the identity of the NEBD. The NEBD is anchored by the western portions of the Xerox Webster Campus. Additional industrial areas along Commercial St. and Donovan St. contain legacy sites and perceived environmental challenges that discourage redevelopment. The Study Area is bounded on the south by NYS Route 104, on the east by Euston Rd., and on the north by Orchard St. and Chiyoda Dr. The Study will build public consensus on future development patterns, including some currently vacant/underutilized portions of the Xerox Campus. In particular, the Study will seek transportation, land use and development recommendations for strategic sites within and adjacent to Xerox, including over1 million square feet of vacant buildings on ~200 acres within walking distance of the NEBD. The project will also identify opportunities to expand utilization, access and safety of the transportation network to connect adjacent neighborhoods with the North End Business District. In the event the Successful Offeror uses partners, subcontracts or subcontractors, the Successful Offeror will remain responsible for compliance with all specifications and performance of all obligations under the contract resulting from this RFP. For the resulting agreement, the Successful Offeror will be the prime contractor.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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