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Kingman , IN Sample Bid Opportunity #712290

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 712290 in Kingman ,  IN
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(Invitation to Bid) Town of Kingman Town Hall PO Box 25, 118 E. State St. - Kingman , IN

Drilling, wells, monitoring, Tanks Fuel ust/ast & Storage, Water, wastewater treatment construction/rehab

(NA) Kingman: *ADDENDUM 1-3* WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DIVISION A AND DIVISION B The Project includes the following Work: Division A – Wastewater Facilities Improvements: Scope of work generally includes the following: • New influent screening structure and building, • Replacement of aeration grid piping and diffusers in existing aeration tank and digester tank, • Installation of a new rectangular secondary clarifier and building, • Installation of aluminum flow splitter box in existing aeration tank to direct flow to the existing secondary and new secondary clarifiers, • Replace pumps in existing lift station and install new pumps and telescopic clarifier draw-off valves for RAS/WAS pumping,• Installation of a valve vault for the RAS/WAS lift station,• Installation of a 70’ diameter x 18.5’ high concrete flow equalization tank and electric actuated plug valve for controlling the flow released from the tank, • Installation of a set of aeration blowers for existing aeration tank, digester tank, and a set for the proposed flow equalization tank, • Installation of an ultraviolet disinfection system, • Modifications to the existing chlorine contact tank, • Modifications to the existing Laboratory/Control building, • Preparation and painting of the existing Secondary Clarifier building and Laboratory/Control Building,• Install polymer feed and other equipment for sludge dewatering including sludge pump and building, • Modifications to Second Street and State Street Lift Stations, including new submersible type and abandoning existing wet/well – dry pit systems, • Furnish and install standby generators at wastewater treatment plant, Second Street Lift Station, and State Street Lift Station, • Electrical modifications and additions, • Valve replacements and new piping and valve installations, • Miscellaneous site work as shown on the plans, • Restoration and miscellaneous work to complete the project. Division B – Wastewater Facilities Improvements: Scope of work generally includes the following: • New influent screening structure and building, • Replacement of aeration grid piping and diffusers in existing aeration tank and digester tank, and installation of aeration piping and diffusers in existing secondary clarifier, • Replace pumps, piping and valves in existing lift station, • Installation of an AeroMod treatment system, including aeration blowers, • Installation of an ultraviolet disinfection system, • Modifications to the existing chlorine contact tank, • Modifications to the existing Laboratory/Control building, • Preparation and painting of the existing Secondary Clarifier Building and Laboratory/Control Building, • Install polymer feed and other equipment for sludge dewatering including sludge pump and building, • Modifications to Second Street and State Street Lift Stations, including new submersible type and abandoning existing wet/well – dry pit systems,• Furnish and install standby generators at wastewater treatment plant, Second Street Lift Station, and State Street Lift Station, • Electrical modifications and additions,• Valve replacements and new piping and valve installations, • Miscellaneous site work as shown on the plans,• Restoration and miscellaneous work to complete the project.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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