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Long Beach, CA Sample Bid Opportunity #711815

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 711815 in Long Beach,  CA
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(Invitation to Bid) Long Beach Unified School District 2425 Webster Ave - Long Beach, CA

Site assessments, remediation, LSP, LEP services

(FAC01-2223) Long Beach USD: w/ *ADDENDA 1-2* Fremont ES Soil Remediation. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services, and incidentals for the Fremont ES soil remediation in the playground and underneath two buildings per the bid documents and specifications. At the time bids are submitted, each bidder shall possess a valid A, HAZ certification, C-22, & CDPH. Scope of Work 1. Pre-construction site meetings, health and safety, permitting, and site mobilization a. Creation of a site-specific health and safety plan (HASP) for adherence by CONTRACTOR’s staff and SUBCONTRACTORS (a SUBCONTRACTOR is defined as any party or parties that perform work under contract with and under the direction of the CONTRACTOR). Where SUBCONTRACTORs are performing specialty work not specifically covered by the CONTRACTOR’S HASP, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a HASP applicable to their scope of work (SOW). a. HASPs that address asbestos and/or lead abatement shall be signed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist or Certified Safety Professional. b. Prepare and submit permits including, but not limited to, grading, excavation, and confined spaces entry as applicable. Note, it is our understanding that the Building 1000 crawlspace is a non-permit confined space. c. Prepare and submit agency notifications for South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Procedure 5, and SCAQMD Rules 1166 and 1466. d. Mark and notify Underground Service Alert as required by state law. e. Attend a pre-construction safety and project planning meeting. f. Mobilize equipment and personnel for remedial excavation activities. 2. Excavate five locations of impacted soil located in the playground a. Sawcut, remove and dispose of existing asphalt pavement at each location to expose TPH-d and/or lead impacted soil (shown on Figure 3). Note, Terraphase will pre-mark the excavation boundaries for each location. b. Excavate TPH-d or lead impacted soil at each location (Table 1, Figure 3) by hand digging or earthmoving equipment. a. A total of 6.3 bank cubic yards of TPH-d impacted non-hazardous soil at locations P1 and P2. b. A total of 1.22 bank cubic yards of lead impacted, non-hazardous soil at locations P3 through P5. c. Provide appropriate dust control measures to remain in compliance with SCAQMD Rules 1166 and 1466. d. Provide appropriate worker protection for all onsite CONTRACTOR/SUBCTRACTOR personnel. e. Upon completion of excavation at each location, inform Terraphase so they may inspect and verify all impacted soil has been removed. f. Backfill each location, as described later in this document, once authorized by Terraphase. 3. Excavate six locations of impacted soil located in the crawlspace of Building 1000 a. Excavate lead, and/or asbestos impacted soil (Table 1). Note, Terraphase will pre-mark the excavation boundaries for each location. One access hatch currently exists in Building 1000 on the northwest side of the building, if necessary, create a secondary access on the eastern side of the building by cutting through the existing floor (wood construction overlain with carpet). c. Provide appropriate dust control measures to remain in compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1466. d. Handle all asbestos impacted soil in accordance with applicable SCAQMD and California Department of Public Health regulations. e. Provide appropriate worker protection for all onsite CONTRACTOR/SUBCTRACTOR personnel. f. Upon completion of excavation at each location, inform Terraphase so they may inspect and verify all impacted soil has been removed and collect confirmation sampling, as necessary. Assume 1 to 2 days of standby time at each location in the crawlspace prior to backfilling for confirmation soil sampling/testing to be completed. g. Assume a contingency of an additional 25% of soil to be removed from the crawlspace of Building 1000 at each of the six locations. Include additional labor for excavation and costs for disposal. h. LBUSD assumes this work will be conducted using air/vacuum excavation methods and that rotary hammer type equipment will be required to loosen soil. The CONTRCTOR shall provide a narrative in their proposal as to how they plan on executing the Building 1000 crawlspace SOW. 4. Excavate three locations of impacted soil located in the crawlspace of Building 4000 i. Excavate arsenic and petroleum impacted soil (Table 1). Note, Terraphase will pre-mark the excavation boundaries for each location. j. One access hatch currently exists in Building 4000 inside the southwest side of the building. There is another access hatch from the exterior on the south side of the building. If necessary, create a secondary access on the eastern side of the building by cutting through the existing floor (wood construction overlain with carpet). k. Provide appropriate dust control measures to remain in compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1466. l. Provide appropriate worker protection for all onsite CONTRACTOR/SUBCTRACTOR personnel. m. Upon completion of excavation at each location, inform Terraphase so they may inspect and verify all impacted soil has been removed and collect confirmation sampling, as necessary. Assume 1 to 2 days of standby time at each location in the crawlspace prior to backfilling for confirmation soil sampling/testing to be completed. n. Assume a contingency of an additional 25% of soil to be removed from the crawlspace of Building 4000 at each of the three locations. Include additional labor for excavation and costs for disposal. o. LBUSD assumes this work will be conducted using air/vacuum excavation methods and that rotary hammer type equipment will be required to loosen soil. The CONTRCTOR shall provide a narrative in their proposal as to how they plan on executing the Building 4000 crawlspace SOW. 5. Waste management and export a. All export will be done by District Approved Disposal Facility and the GC will be responsible for stock piling in bins before hauling off. Page 2

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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