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Granville, OH Sample Bid Opportunity #708514

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 708514 in Granville,  OH
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(Invitation to Bid) Village of Granville 141 East Broadway - Granville, OH

Bioremediation, Dredging, marine

Granville: Removal and Land Application/Beneficial Reuse of Lime Sludge. The Work shall include removal from the lime sludge basins, transporting, and land applying for beneficial reuse of the lime sludge from the Water Treatment Plant (445 Palmer Lane), in Granville, Ohio 43023. If awarded, the Contract will be a one-year period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 with two potential 1-year extensions (for a total of 3 years.) It is estimated that the amount of sludge to be removed and land applied or reused is approximately 500 Dry tons per cleaning cycle of a single basin and that there will be approximately 3 basin cleaning cycles per year. Each cleaning cycle will consist of the removal and land application/beneficial reuse of the lime sludge.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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