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Pittsfield, IL Sample Bid Opportunity #706120

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 706120 in Pittsfield,  IL
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(RFP) Illini Community Hospital 640 West Washington - Pittsfield, IL

Architect, Civil Engineering - all services, Consulting/Engineering, Demolition, Program, Project and construction management services

Illini Community Hospital: Express Clinic Request for Proposal for Design, Construction Administration, Inspection services for Blessing Care Corporation dba Illini Community Hospital. Proposal Scope of work to include: The intent is to procure complete design services to take a concept design to construction documents for an Express Clinic to provide onsite and drive up services to customers. During construction, construction administration services (submittal reviews, change order reviews, pay application reviews, site visits) in addition inspection services and reporting as required by the USDA will be included. All USDA Rural Development grant requirements will be met as set out in this Request for Proposal. lllini Community Hospital's intention is to have the design 100% complete Construction Documents ready for bidding/permitting. References must be provided from past projects All documents must be approved by USDA Rural Development before being sent to bidders lllini Community Hospital intends to build an Express Clinic with drive through bay service and space for future development of a retail pharmacy with a drive up window. The proposed facility would be a roughly 4,400 s.f. one-story structure divided into three spaces. The first space would be approximately 1,300 s.f. area that would house two drive-through bays allowing for drive-up services where the patient would not need to exit the vehicle. The second space would be approximately 1,400 s.f. clinic area, with reception area, two exam rooms, and a restroom. The third space would not be built out at this time but would include space for future retail pharmacy area with drive thru window service. The building site contains approximately V2 acre and is located on the North East corner of the property at the intersection of North Franklin St. and West Adams St. The site is owned by lllini Community Hospital and is located on the main Campus grounds. An existing two story 9,900 s.f. building site on the building location and will need to be demolished. An asbestos inspection was performed November 2019, abatement of the building has been completed by a contractor, and documentation is available upon request. Subsurface conditions at the site (by owner) will need to be investigated to determine what type of footing or foundation and compaction testing will be needed at the site Estimated total construction cost is $1,408,000 and design provider would be expected to guide design to meet this construction cost.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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