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Lacy Lakeview, TX Sample Bid Opportunity #705988

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 705988 in Lacy Lakeview,  TX
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(RFP) City of Lacy Lakeview 501 E. Craven Avenue - Lacy Lakeview, TX

Tanks Fuel ust/ast & Storage, Water, wastewater treatment construction/rehab

(1-02915) Lacy Lakeview : *ADDENDA 1/4* Smith Street Ground Storage Tank & Pump Station Improvements. Smith Street Ground Storage Tank & Pump Station Improvements major work shall generally consist of but is not limited to all labor, materials, equipment, appurtenances and incidentals as required to properly install, complete and be accepted in place a 300,000-gallon welded steel ground storage tank, a 15,000-gallon welded steel ASME coded hydropneumatics pressure tank, 8-inch meter and control valve vaults, and precast concrete pump station building to house two (2) pumps with future expansion for an additional pump. Approximately 1,300 linear feet of 12-inch waterline and 190 linear feet of 24-inch steel casing crossing Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) right-of-way shall be installed with all necessary components as shown on the project drawings and as specified herein. Access to the site is provided by an existing concrete drive approach along the Interstate 35 frontage road and a 12-foot-wide gravel road that traverses private property via an ingress/egress easement. Electricity to the site will be provided by Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC. Project will be awarded to proposal providing best value to Owner based on a number of factors including cost, experience of contractor, and prior work performance.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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