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Carmel, CA Sample Bid Opportunity #704086

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 704086 in Carmel,  CA
Please note this bid is EXPIRED and is SAMPLE content of what we offer to our paid subscribers

(RFQ) CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA Monte Verde Street, 3 Southeast of Ocean Avenue - Carmel, CA

Architect, Civil Engineering - all services, Consulting/Engineering, Dredging, marine, Drilling, wells, monitoring, Environmental Engineering and Consulting, GIS Mapping, Green Energy, Hazardous Waste, Lab Testing - sampling, analysis, Landscape architects, Program, Project and construction management services, Site assessments, remediation, LSP, LEP services

CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA: (RFQ) Consultants to provide the professional services listed below for the term, July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025, to facilitate the City's Capital Improvement Program and support a variety of municipal programs and initiatives. Architecture Building Code Plan Checking, Code Compliance, and Inspection Services Civil and Structural Engineering Construction Management and Project Management Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Environmental Services Geotechnical Engineering, Coastal Engineering, and Materials Testing Services GIS and Asset Management Graphics Design Hazardous Materials Testing and Monitoring Services Landscape Architecture and Arboricultural Services Planning Services Surveying, Mapping, and Right-of-Way Engineering Traffic Engineering When projects and programs become funded during this term, SOQs submitted in accordance with this request will be evaluated by committees to select the most qualified consultants to provide the required services. Upon selection, the project-specific scope of work, schedule, and fees will be mutually agreed to, and the parties will enter into a Professional Services Agreement.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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