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Portland, PA Sample Bid Opportunity #698444

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 698444 in Portland,  PA
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(RFP) Portland Borough 206 Division Street - Portland, PA

Civil Engineering - all services, Consulting/Engineering, Hazardous Waste, Mold

Portland Borough, Northampton County: Portland Borough Building Demolition. Demolition and removal of a 1930's gymnasium building, related utilities, and all appurtenances to 4' below finished grade, abandoned and underground utility line and duct banks, mechanical systems, electrical systems, plumbing systems, fixtures within and connected to the building exterior, bituminous sidewalk as noted, potential underground containment structures; cesspit, drainfield, and oil storage tank. Site excavations shall be filled with topsoils, and the entire site area fine graded to a smooth mowable condition, and stabilized by seeding and straw mulch. Any Hazmats shall be removed in accordance with specifications and all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Mold is present in the building. The building has been inspected for the presence of Asbestos, and no asbestos was found.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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