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Stamford, CT Sample Bid Opportunity #693589

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 693589 in Stamford,  CT
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(RFP) Stamford Purchasing Department 888 Washington Boulevard - Stamford, CT

Water, wastewater treatment construction/rehab

(S-6836) Stamford: *Addenda 1-3* Sludge Degritting System Improvements . The Work to be done under this Contract and in accordance with the Contract Documents consists of furnishing labor, supervision, materials, tools, equipment and accessories, as may be required, for the proper execution and construction of the Sludge Degritting System Improvements as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein.Project location is the Stamford Water Pollution Control Facility in Stamford, Connecticut. Existing Facilities: The site of the work is an existing wastewater treatment facility and shall remain in continuous operation at all times.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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