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Boulder, CO Sample Bid Opportunity #692581

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 692581 in Boulder,  CO
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(RFP) Boulder County Purchasing 1325 Pearl Street - Boulder, CO

Environmental Engineering and Consulting, Pollution control

(RFP #7284-21) Boulder County: *ADDENDA 1&2* Environmental Evaluation of Acoustic/Noise, Air Quality, and Visual Impacts associated with the Expansion of Gross Reservoir; Denver Water is moving forward with an expansion of Gross Reservoir by raising the current dam by 131 to 471 feet. This project will also include removal of 207,000 trees from 12.5 miles of shoreline which will eventually be inundated, using four helicopter landing zones along the perimeter of the current reservoir. Construction will include blasting and rock crushers, a quarry area where aggregate will be mined, new roads to clear 50-60 acres of land, and the on-site production of the concrete. The project requires more than 500 truck trips per day for hauling construction materials and 1,440 additional truck trips to deal with the removal of trees. Boulder County has entered into an agreement with Denver Water which provides funds to assist residents that will be most impacted by the noise, dust, and visual effects of the project. In order to determine how to allocate these funds, Boulder County seeks the services of an environmental services firm or engineering team with experience in providing an analysis of the impacts of this project on nearby properties. This evaluation will not include traffic impacts; however, noise impacts from truck traffic may also be considered in the analysis of noise associated with this project. In addition to this analysis, Boulder County seeks assistance in developing methodology to assign impact scores to properties to assist in the distribution of mitigation funds.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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